• DD46C69F-4684-4326-A1B4-A200712AF70C-1715889773880


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RM 168.00
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RM 168.00
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RM 168.00
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主要功能 Main Functions:
  • 抗氧化 Antioxidation
  • 深层保湿 Deep Moisturization
  • 消炎修复 Repair
  • 促进胶原蛋白形成 Collagen Reformation
  • 促进肌肤新城代谢 Improve Skin Metabolism
  • 抗炎活性 Anti-Inflammatory

皮肤类型 Skin Types:


Mins is suitable for all skin types: Normal Skin, Dry Skin, Oily Skin, Sentitive Skin and Combination Skin.

Zero added Chemical Preservatives, Fragrance-Free, No Fluorescent whitening agent, No Colouring, Alcohol-Free, and Mercury Free


使用 Mins Ampoule 的步骤  Step to use Mins Ampoule:
Step 1:摇动安瓶  Shake the ampoule
Step 2
:插入安瓶开瓶器  Insert ampoule opener
Step 3
:按下开瓶器的头部  Press the head of the opener
Step 4
:取下安瓶头  Remove the ampoule head
Step 5
:固定滴管  Secure the dropper
Step 6
:涂抹于面部并按摩  Apply and massage on face

优点 Advantages :
Mins Ampoule 方便我们省去很多护肤步骤。(Convenient and Fast. It is convenient for us to save a lot of skincare steps and replace many skincare products.)

 - Mins Ampoule 适合所有肤质和亚洲人面临的肌肤问题。(All types of skin. Mins Ampoule is suitable for all skin types and skin problems faced by Asian people.)

 - Mins Ampoule 的价格合理且实惠。(Affordable price. The price for Mins Ampoule is reasonable and affordable)

 - Mins Ampoule 不含有害物质,酒精和防腐剂。因此,孕妇可以放心使用。(Natural and Safe Ingredients. Mins Ampoule did not contain harmful substances,Alcohol and preservation. Therefore,it can be used safely by pregnant women.

使用说明 Usage Instructions :
 - 适合早上使用 Suitable for morning use

 - 洁面后可直接使用 Can use directly after cleansing
 - 建议开封后24小时内使用 It is recommended to use within 24 hours after opening
 - 一天一瓶 One bottle a day